Account Settings

Designated user roles

The designated user settings is where you appoint specialized user roles to designated users. Below you can find an explanation of each designated user role.

Feedback receiver(s)

Feedback receivers automatically receive a message in the message center when users send a feedback message, either when choosing the feedback message type or when clicking the feedback button during a registration.

Feedback receivers can be appointed from your administrators, staff, crew, or instructors.

Maintenance receiver(s)

Maintenance receivers automatically receive a message in the message center when users send a maintenance message, either when choosing the maintenance message type or when clicking the maintenance button during a registration.

Maintenance receivers can be appointed from your administrators, staff, crew, or instructors.

ETA warning receiver(s)

ETA warning receivers get a message in the message center in case a live flight has not been logged as landed in FlightLogger within the ETA of the flight - a safety precaution to increase your situational awareness and to help you react quickly when needed.

ETA warning receivers can be appointed from your administrators, staff, crew, or instructors

Fuel endurance warning receiver(s)

Fuel endurance warning receivers get a message in the message center in case a live flight has not been logged as landed in FlightLogger within it's stated fuel endurance (according to logged departure fuel and the fuel coefficient set on the aircraft) - also a safety precaution to increase your situational awareness and to help you react quickly when needed.

Fuel endurance warning receivers can be appointed from your administrators, staff, crew, or instructors.

Master exercise list admin(s)

This user role allows for making changes to master exercise lists in FlightLogger.

Master exercise list admins can be appointed from your administrators.

CBTA admin(s)

Only displayed for account using FlightLogger CBTA Pro

Allows for making changes in your general CBTA setup, including flight phases, core competencies, performance indicators, and CBTA color ranges. Note that any changes made here will apply across all CBTA-enabled training programs.

CBTA admins can be appointed from your administrators.

Safety Manager

Only displayed for account with the SMS module activated

The safety manager receives safety management reports either sent when clicking the safety management button during a registration, or via the SMS manu in the top navigation.

Furthermore, safety managers have access to SMS reports, analysis, statistics, and administration where deputy safety managers can be appointed. Learn more in this article.

The safety manager can be appointed from your administrators, staff, crew, or instructors.

Data protection officer (DPO)

The data protection officer is the only user allowed to GDPR neutralize users in FlightLogger, as this is an irreversible action that neutralizes data that may be important for your operation.

The DPO role can only be set and changed by FlightLogger support. Learn more about the DPO role and the process of appointing the role here.