Account Settings

Safety Management System (SMS)

How this section looks, depends on whether SMS is activated on your account.

If SMS is activated

If the Safety Management System (SMS) is activated on your account, this section currently doesn't hold any specific account settings. Instead, you will find an option to appoint a safety manager in the Designated user roles section. This is further described here.

If SMS is not activated

If SMS has not been activated on your account, you will see this:


Even if SMS is not activated, FlightLogger still provides the possibility to file safety reports, either via an external online system or by email to your safety manager.

  • Insert the URL of your 3rd party SMS service if you would like your users to be redirected to this service for filing a safety report.
  • Insert the email address of your safety manager if you would instead like the user to send an email for filing a safety report.