Flight Training Programs

Adding, editing and deleting exercises in a program lesson

In a recent update, we have made improvements to the creation of exercises which is now similar to our CBTA module.

Remember that you can only add/edit/delete in lessons and exercises if there are no students on the revision. If you have changes to a current program you can create a new revision using the template from a previous revision, learn more about it here.

To enter the exercises of a lesson go to Administration -> Programs.

Click on the program you want to edit -> click on the revision (with no students on it) or create a new with a template from the previous one -> click on the lesson name of the one you want to edit.

This brings you to the below page:
Screenshot 2023-05-09 at 10.39.22

Create categories to use as the 'introduction' in the example above. You can also use e.g. flight phases or similar (flight phases are used if you at some point migrate to the CBTA module).

Simply drag from the list of master exercises, as shown above with the arrows, into the category where the exercise belongs - read more about the master exercise list here: Creating and Managing "Exercise Masterlist"

The flag feature is used to decide if an exercise is always included in a repetition lesson and the plus icon indicates whether the instructor can decide to grade additional exercises either from the master exercise list or create one that is not part of the list.

Screenshot 2023-05-09 at 10.40.04