Recurring bookings

Creating recurring bookings

This article explains the repeat functionality available when scheduling activities on the booking page

Create repeat booking-2

To create a repeated booking on FlightLogger's booking page, you have the option to make it as a recurring booking.

FlightLogger's built-in repeat functionality is designed based on the same principles as popular calendar services like Google Calendar, allowing for recurring bookings.

To create a recurring booking, start by creating a booking either by dragging and dropping on an aircraft, simulator, or room, or by using the plus-icon.

Fill in all the necessary details as you would for a standard booking, and then open the Repeat dropdown to configure how the booking should be repeated. You can choose from the following options:

- Daily

- Weekly

- Monthly (by day of month)

- Yearly

Screenshot 2023-07-10 at 14.17.47-1

Each option is described below.

Daily repeats

When selecting the daily option, you can choose to repeat the booking every day or once every x days. After that, you can specify when you want the series of bookings to end. The maximum duration for the series is two years from the start date. You have the choice to set a specific number of occurrences or an end date for the repetition.

Weekly repeats

This option allows you to select the specific days of the week when the booking should be repeated. For example, you can use this setting to repeat a booking on all weekdays.

Screenshot 2023-07-10 at 14.25.04

Monthly repeats

The monthly repeat allows you to set one or more days of the month for the booking to be repeated. Also, it can be set to the last day of the month.

Screenshot 2023-07-10 at 14.34.32

Yearly repeats

The yearly option allows you to schedule a booking to repeat annually or every x years on a specific date.

Screenshot 2023-07-10 at 14.36.50

Once you have configured the booking and clicked Create, the bookings are immediately created on your booking page. 

Concerning single student and multi student lessons

When you create a recurring booking for a single or multi student flight on the booking page and add the lesson, FlightLogger will automatically fill in the corresponding lessons based on the program you have selected. However, it is important to note that currently, the correct syllabus times for each lesson will not be automatically inserted. Instead, the same times as the booking you create will be used.

Lesson insert on single or multi student booking

Please note that warnings about availability, requirements, flight time, etc. are not displayed when creating a repeat booking. It is up to the instructor, renter PIC, or dispatcher to ensure compliance before initialising the booked activity.

To learn more about updating recurring bookings go to this page.