Recurring bookings

Editing/updating recurring bookings

This article explains how recurring bookings are handled when applying updates to (or deleting) either "Only this", "This and all future", or "All".

The repeat feature in FlightLogger's booking tool follows the same principles as popular calendar systems like Google Calendar, making it user-friendly and easy to use.

For guidelines on creating a new recurring booking go to this article.

When updating a booking, there are a few key principles to keep in mind. This article aims to explain what data is updated when you choose any of the three options.

A key principle is that when you create a recurring booking, all the occurrences of the booking are connected in a series. This allows you to conveniently update all of them at once.

When updating bookings that apply to all or this and all future bookings, only the information that you specifically update will be applied to the other bookings. The remaining information will remain unchanged.

Updating/deleting "Only this" booking

When you choose to update Only this booking, the changes you make will only apply to that specific booking and will not affect any other bookings in the series. All the bookings in the series are still considered as one connected series that can be updated together.

For example, let's say you change the instructor for one booking in the series. Later on, you can update the aircraft for all the recurring bookings, while still keeping the instructor change only on that individual booking. This allows you to easily manage and customize each booking while maintaining consistency across the series.

If you delete a single booking from a series, please note that if you later update the remaining series and choose to apply the update to All (or This and all future if the deleted booking was later then the updated booking), the deleted booking will be recreated. This follows the principles of the most popular calendar services.

Updating/deleting "All" bookings

If you choose to update a booking for all bookings in a series, any changes you make will be applied to all the other bookings as well. This ensures that the series remains uninterrupted and consistent.

Updating/deleting "This and all future" bookings

When you choose the This and all future update option, it functions differently compared to the other two options. In this case, the series of bookings will be split into two separate series. The first series will have an end date set to the last booking before the one you are updating, while the second series will include the updated booking and all future bookings. In case you delete This and all future, the latter series will of courses be deleted.

This means that any further updates you make will only affect the series you are currently updating. It's important to be aware of this division if you need to update both series or if you want to delete all bookings after splitting up the series.

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