Flight Training Programs

Editing training programs - major and minor changes

FlightLogger allows you to make changes on an existing program revision, but which changes you can make depend on whether the program revision is active or not.

The concept of minor and major program changes - and how to perform the changes, is explained in this video:

Major changes

The following major changes can only be done on a program revision which is not active, which means there are no students on the program revision:

  • Add lesson
  • Delete lesson
  • Add exercise
  • Delete exercise

Minor changes

The following minor changes can be done on any program revision, no matter if it's active or not:

  • Program overview
    • Change time columns shown
    • Toggle progress bar on/off
    • Toggle remaining time on/off
  • Revisions
    • Edit revision name
    • Edit revision comment
  • Phases
    • Add phase
    • Move phase
    • Edit phase name
    • Delete phase
  • Lessons
    • Reorder lessons
    • Move lesson between phases
    • Edit lesson name
    • Edit lesson briefing text
    • Edit lesson syllabus time
  • Categories
    • Add category
    • Move category
    • Delete category
  • Exercises
    • Move exercise
    • Edit exercise name (via master exercise list)

These restrictions are part of the built-in revision control which is made to protect your data integrity and avoid that changes are made to an approved program after students have started on them. This benefits both the student and the school.

  1. Students will not experience major changes after starting on an approved revision. 
  2. Flight Schools will always be able to prove that students have completed an approved program.

Making major changes to an active program revision

As described, this is not allowed in FlightLogger. If you need to make major changes to your program you can instead create a new revision using the template from a previous revision.

Learn more about this here: Creating a new program revision.

You can also clone an existing program in order to create a brand new program based on one of your existing programs. Learn more about cloning a program here.