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Customizable flight logs - primary

This article explains how to set the primary log on an aircraft and where it will be used on your FlightLogger account.

The primary log can be set on each of your aircraft via Administration -> Aircraft.

From here, simply click the Edit Flight Logs icon as shown below.

Screenshot 2023-12-18 at 11.16.06

From here, you can configure up to three logs on your aircraft. The primary log is configured from the left column.

Picture 12

Please keep in mind that the Primary Log serves as the default log in FlightLogger. This means that any durations recorded in the Primary Log will be used for the logbook, the User Balance Module, the QuickBooks Integration Module, and other areas that cannot be customized.

It is important for your organisation to ensure that your log settings comply with the regulations that apply to you. This is the responsibility of your organisation entirely.

Adjusting the primary log

To adjust the primary log simply select from the dropdown and then choose your preferred format (any combination of log and format can be selected).

When adjusting the primary log you would typically need to adjust the current staus of the aircraft. To do this, go back to Administration -> Aircraft, and this time click the Edit icon. 

Screenshot 2023-12-18 at 11.46.05

From here, open the Current tab. Then inserting the correct reading from your aircraft and set whether or not you want this log to be displayed in the aircraft status.

Remember to click Update Aircraft button before leaving the page.

Screenshot 2023-12-18 at 11.49.26

When done, you can continue to configure the secondary and tertiary flight logs, as described here.