Release Notes

Software update - 01/03/2021

Great news! We are just about to have this year's second major update of the FlightLogger platform ready for you. As you're reading this, we are preparing everything to be released on Monday the 1st March 2021 at 07:00 UTC.

We have some very exiting new features to share with you. We are fully convinced the brand new Activities page is going to please all of you, while especially administrators will be pleased to welcome much easier management of students and other users via the user bulk editing functionality that will be added with this update.

Here's a short introduction to the new features:


Efficient user management with bulk editing

Based on input from many of our partners, we now introduce a smart bulk editing feature to make it easy to edit the status of multiple users. From the Users page (list view), you can now select multiple users to bulk edit instead of having to go into each user to edit user settings.

This way, it's quick and easy to for example put multiple students on standby or any other program status, as well as to set other types of users as either active or deactivated.


Example: this is how easy you can set multiple students to standby with bulk editing:


Bulk editing can also be used for blocking and unblocking users as well as for resending a login email to each user for a password reset. Find more info in this article.


Activities - the easiest way to spot what's going on at your organization

To make it simpler for all users to get an overview of activities, we have removed the TheoryOperations and Rental pages and replaced them with just one page called Activities. Shortly explained, the purpose of the Activities page is to provide:

  • an easy access to see all activities
  • a great overview of bookings missing completion
  • an easy way of identifying training lessons missing student approval
  • a quick overview of rental requests missing approval 

Here's a short introduction video:

When logging in after the update has been released on Monday, you'll notice the new menu item called Activities, which we are really excited to finally give you. This will be not only the administrators', but every users' new best companion to get an overview of all the activities that have been planned and completed on your account, divided into the specific activity categories.


Get an overview of any activities mission completion

The Booking missing completion section of the Activities page helps all your users stay on top of their tasks by giving them a quick and easy overview of any activities that have been planned but not completed on your account. This allows your users an easy way to follow up on any bookings missing completion.

Operation Managers get an an overview of all bookings missing completion for all users, making it easy to ensure things are up to date.



View and export all completed activities from a given time period

The Completed activities section of the Activities page allows an easy overview of all activities completed during a selected time period.

For the individual user, this is a quick way to identify any given activity and, if permitted, to edit the registration.

Reports can be sorted by date, aircraft, instructor and other relevant parametres, allowing you to easily view just the information that you need. For example, by sorting by Approved status, you can quickly identify any completed lessons that haven't been approved by the student, while for a rental administrator Activities can also be used to easily see which rental requests are missing approval.

Of course the data on completed activities can be exported into a PDF, XML or CSV file.

Sort completed activities by for example instructor, and export in your preferred file format.


You can get more info on the new Activities page in this help center article.

Minor improvements and bug fixes

As always, this update also includes some minor improvements and bug fixes to your platform. Most of them are based on input from users, and we are so thankful for all the feedback and great suggestions that we receive from you, our partners.

Meanwhile, we are doing our very best to keep the platform flawless while also introducing the features that provides the most value for all of you. We can't do it without you and we genuinely appreciate all your contributions.

As always, feel free to email us your comments and suggestions at


Thank you!