Release Notes

Software update 13/09/2023: Share student training records with new Collaboration feature

We're getting ready to release a new update of FlightLogger. On Wednesday September 13th at 06:00 UTC we will release this year's 9th major update. No downtime is expected for this update.

Due to the increasing number of training organizations using FlightLogger, there has been a surge in requests for features that allow the sharing of student training records between two organizations. In response to this, the upcoming update will introduce a new collaboration feature that enables exactly that.

Click here to see a quick introduction to the new collaboration feature:

What is Collaboration?

The new collaboration feature in FlightLogger allows sharing of training data of one or more students between two organizations. This feature is particularly useful in scenarios such as having multiple schools owned by the same organization, two organizations cooperating with one another to exchange students, or an organization receiving a new student with previous experience from another FlightLogger organization.

Collaboration administrators have the ability to request a collaboration with another FlightLogger organization, approve or reject collaboration requests, and edit the sharing settings of approved collaborations.

Note that as default, all administrator users are set to be Collaboration administrators. This can be changed via Administration -> Account settings -> Designate user roles

Once a collaboration is set up between two organizations, Collaboration administrators can choose to share training records of all students (all programs are shared), students attached to a specific program (only the chosen program is shared), or an individual student (all programs are shared).

This collaboration feature simplifies the process of sharing training data and facilitates seamless cooperation between organizations using FlightLogger.

Screenshot 2023-09-08 at 14.59.28

Which data is shared with collaboration?

In this initial version of the collaboration feature, we have chosen to share only the most fundamental training data. We expect to add more detailed records to the collaboration in upcoming updates.

This shared data can be found on the student's page in the programs tab. In addition to the programs that the student is attached to within your own organization, you will now have access to any shared programs as well. By opening one of the shared programs, you can get an overview of the student's training.

Screenshot 2023-09-08 at 15.00.53

You can learn more about collaboration in this help center article.

Other news in this update

Apart from the new collaboration feature we have included a few other improvements. Here are the most notable ones.

Improved Guest user access

The upcoming feature greatly enhances the user experience for guest users. Now, guest users not only have access to user search functionality, but they can also view user pages in both list and thumbnail views.

Additionally, we have added the new student progress view which allows guest users to easily compare the progress of students within a specific program or class. This can be selected using the filter. Take a look at the example below to see the student progress view that guest users can now access.

Screenshot 2023-09-08 at 11.24.36

Minor improvements and bug fixes

In addition, we have made several minor enhancements to improve the usability of FlightLogger and have addressed a few bugs.

We greatly appreciate your feedback, as it helps our product team continuously improve our software. If you have any questions or suggestions on how to make FlightLogger even more valuable for you and other FlightLogger clients, please don't hesitate to reach out to us at

Thanks for using FlightLogger, and happy landings! 🛩️
