Release Notes

Software update 22/11/2021 - Introducing the Data Protection Officer user role

It’s now time for our 8th major update of the year, which we will be releasing on Monday the 22nd November at 07:00 UTC. We do not expect any downtime while rolling out the update.

The upcoming update introduces the Data Protection Officer (DPO) user role in FlightLogger to help you better accommodate your users’ right to be forgotten and for you to be able to remove data that you no longer need or want to store.

Apart from that, we have some other valuable new features for you. Here are the highlights of the upcoming update:

  • Introducing the new Data Protection Officer (DPO) user role
  • Delete users in FlightLogger
  • Force password reset on users
  • Improvements to selected reports
    • Accounting reports - for partners using the SAM module
    • Raw data reports
  • Minor improvements and bug fixes

We recommend that you read the information below to get familiar with the new things in FlightLogger. 

Introducing the Data Protection Officer (DPO) user role

Based on feedback from many of our partners we now introduce the DPO user role in FlightLogger. By appointing a DPO on your account you give this user the ability to accommodate your users’ "right to be forgotten” (according to GDPR, article 17).

Specifically, the DPO can do this by GDPR neutralizing the users' data on your account. You can learn about the DPO role and how to appoint a DPO here.

Note that in order to appoint a DPO on your account you must contact FlightLogger support, which is also explained in the article mentioned above.

Delete users in FlightLogger

Additionally, we introduce the option for administrators to delete users completely under certain circumstances. While GDPR neutralizing is about removing personal data from your records, the delete user feature mainly provides an option to delete a user that was created by mistake - before any records have been created on the user.

You can learn more about the difference between deleting and GDPR neutralizing users here.

Force password reset on users

To increase security of working with the FlightLogger platform we now introduce the possibility for administrators to force a user password reset. This can be done for a single user or as a bulk action for several users at once.

Learn how to force a password reset on users here.

Improvements to selected reports

Certain partners have asked us to enrich some of FlightLogger's built-in reports with additional information. Therefore, we this time add the following information in these reports:

  • Accounting reports (students and renters) plus the Accounting transaction report (for partners using the SAM module): Here we have added an extra column so that both the date of the activity and the data that it was registered are displayed in the report, thereby providing a better overview for you an your colleagues.
  • Raw data flight and theory reports: In these two reports we have added the following three new columns:
    • Timestamp of creation of a registration
    • Timestamp of the last update made on a registration
    • Name of the training program phase if applicable

Note. If you use any of the mentioned reports for 3rd party imports, please check that it's working as intended, since adding new columns to the reports could possibly affect this.

Minor improvements and bug fixes

As always when we release a software update, we include several minor improvements and bug fixes, most of them based on the great feedback we receive from our partners. Thanks a lot to everyone who has suggested new features, inspired us with questions, or made us aware of bugs.

If you would also like to contribute to future developments of FlightLogger, feel free to write us via


