Release Notes

Software update 24/10/2022 - FlightLogger's API is live!

Dear administrators, It's time for our 8th major, free update this year! On Monday the 24th of October at 06:00 UTC we be releasing a new update on all FlightLogger accounts.

No downtime is expected for this update, so your operations won't be interrupted while we update your software.

Many of our clients have been asking for this for a long time, and many of you have even helped us sketching and specifying it. Now it's here:

🎊🎉 FlightLogger's API is live on Monday  🎉🎊

About the API

In this first version of our (GraphQL) API we have focused on enabling you to fetch data out of FlightLogger.

As explained in this getting started guide, any FlightLogger user will be allowed to create personal API keys and - with the necessary technical skills - fetch data from FlightLogger. What data can be extracted is 100% limited to the user's role.

Initially, our API will allow you to pull out tons of information related to bookings, flights, duty time as well as theory registrations. Some examples are:

  • Bookings
  • Flights (training, rental, operation)
  • Theory (class theories, exams, theory releases, progress tests, extra theories)

We'll be adding more resolvers in the coming weeks and months. To help us prioritize the most important data queries, please send your suggestions to

Our official, technical API documentation, as well as a query 'playground' will be released together with the update on Monday, so we'll let you know once they're live.*

Next up on the API

In the future, our API will also allow you to post data from your 3rd party systems into FlightLogger. Our development team is already working on making this possible, and as soon as it's ready we'll let you know.

Read more about the API here.

Other news in this update

Student Account Module (SAM) is now Student & Renter Account Module (SRAM)

To highlight the fact that the Student Account Module (SAM) not only allows you to keep account of students, but also renters. We've changed the name of it to Student & Renter Account Module (SRAM). 

Besides the name change everything else in the module stays the same after the update.

Improvements to the Departure/Arrival page

Based on input from some of our Canadian clients we have added some minor improvements to the dispatch function, one of them is that instructors, students, renters, etc. can now submit their pre-flight acknowledgement directly from the front page.


Also, we have added more data to the History report (ETA, Block time, Airborne time) along with other small improvements.

Improvements to the new mobile booking feature

Our last update introduced a new, touch device-friendly way to create and edit booking in FlightLogger. After receiving some feedback we have now made it possible to proceed (or cancel) a booking directly from within this booking form.



Minor improvements and bug fixes

The update we release on Monday has more than 170 development issues in total. As usual it includes several smaller improvements and fixes to issues reported by end users. 

Thanks a lot, and please continue to share your thoughts and suggestions to our support team. Your input is what helps up build the very best platform for all of you.


Thank you,

The FlightLogger Team