Release Notes

Software update 26/04/2021 - SAM module improvements

Nice improvements for clients using the FlightLogger Student Account Module (SAM).

While we do also include some minor improvements and bug fixes, this update is mainly about increasing the value of using the FlightLogger SAM module by adding some great new features. This represents another big step in the process of making the FlightLogger SAM module even more valuable to everyone using it.

These are the main improvements we introduce in the SAM module this time:

  • Hide accounting info from selected students
  • Advanced aircraft pricing
  • Improved transaction reports

Here is a further introduction to the news:


Hide accounting info from selected students

Some of our partners have asked to have an option to disable certain students' access to see their own accounting information. With this update this is now easy to do.

To hide accounting from a student, simply go to your student's page and click Accounting settings.  Sk_rmbillede_2021-04-21_kl._13.28.00.png

From here, you can then choose whether the student should be able to see his/her own accounting information. Remember to click Update to apply the setting.



Advanced aircraft pricing

Based on input from some of our partners we will also enable advanced aircraft pricing in the SAM module. This new functionality allows for more customizable pricing on your aircraft and simulators. 

Until now, you have been able to set a price per program for each of your aircraft and simulators, as well as a rental price. With this update, you can add an extra level to your pricing setup by setting individual prices based on flight type for each program on your aircraft/simulators.

When adding advanced pricing to an aircraft you'll be able to set the following prices:


For simulators you can set these prices:


You can read more and learn how advanced aircraft pricing is set in this article.


Improved transaction reports

We're adding some additional info to your transaction reports to make your administration easier:

New registration column

In your transaction reports (on both account and user-level), an extra column has been added to make it easier for you to identify which registration each transaction belongs to.

The new column is named “Registration” and depending on the type of flight, it will look like this:


  • If the transaction is related to a lesson flight, the name of the lesson is shown, with a direct link to the registration in read-only mode (locks on the tabs).
  • If the transaction is related to a rental, the reference will say “Rental” and link to the rental page of the involved user, where you are able to find the corresponding registration provided you have the necessary user rights.
  • Custom lessons and extra lessons are always named accordingly, including Repetition when applicable.
  • Registration info is also included when exporting the transaction report (links not included in exports)

Additionally, we have made some adjustments to the info shown in the Comment column to make it even easier for you to understand each transaction.


Additional info on exported transaction reports

When exporting your transaction reports in CSV or XML, the exported reports now include flight_id, user_lecture_id, and rental_id. This for example enables you to couple transaction reports with raw data reports if needed.

Note that we have renamed the Stu/Ren and Stu/Ren reference columns to student_renter and student_renter_reference respectively to avoid creating invalid XML reports.

Minor improvements and bug fixes

As always, this update also includes a number of smaller improvements and bug fixes based on the awesome feedback we get from you, our partners.

While this release is out on Monday, our next release is already being lined up. We can't reveal anything yet, except that it is going to be awesome 😀

Don't forget that we appreciate your feedback and suggestion either via email to or via the support widget inside your FlightLogger account.

All the best,
