Dispatcher workflow in the Departure/Arrival page
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  3. Dispatcher workflow in the Departure/Arrival page

Managing flight status from the Bookings page

This article explains how dispatcher users can edit flight status directly from the Booking page.

When following our best practice, flight status displayed on the Departure/Arrival page is live updated via the flight registration done by the registrant (instructor, crew, or renter) from on board the aircraft, as explained in this article.

However, it can also be managed via the Departure/Arrival page by users who have the Dispatcher user role, as explained here.

The last option is to manage flight status directly from the Create Bookings page, which we will explain in this article.

Managing flight status via the Create bookings page

Only users who have both the Dispatcher and the Booking Administrator role enabled are allowed to manage flight status via the Create booking page. You therefore need to set these user roles on users that should be allowed to do this.

Screenshot 2023-05-02 at 15.07.56

If you go to the Create bookings page, the flight status of each booking is displayed via a small icon shown on the booking, and also shown in the details when hovering on a booking.

As a booking administrator and dispatcher user you can click a booking to open a modal to edit the booking.

In the edit modal, simply identify the Flight status button and toggle the correct status of the flight and then click Update, as shown here:

Screenshot 2023-05-02 at 15.40.34

This instantly updates flight status on the Create bookings page, the Booking overview (daily), and on the Departure/Arrival page as well.

This way, a booking administrator and dispatcher can edit the status of a flight directly from the Create bookings page all the way through these flight statuses:

  • Scheduled
  • Briefing
  • Flight
  • Landed
  • Debriefing

Note that while this is a viable option, we do recommend that you follow our best practice where the registrant (instructor, crew or renter) makes the flight registration live from the aircraft, whenever possible.

Off block time setting when setting status to Flight

When changing a booking from Briefing to Flight via Create bookings, the time the change is made is automatically set as the Off block time of the flight on your Departure/Arrival page, and the ETA of the flight changes accordingly, the same way as when a dispatcher user makes the edit from the Departure/Arrival page (the new Off block time is even set as default when the registrant afterwards proceeds the flight registration).

Off block time can be edited by dispatcher users from the Departure/Arrival page, as explained in this article.