Release Notes

Software update 22/08/2022 - New requirement features added

On Monday the 22nd of August at 06:00 UTC we will release a new software update on your account. There's no downtime expected for this update, so you should not notice anything except the improvements described below.

Dear all,

It's time for our 5th major, free update this year!

On Monday the 22nd of August at 06:00 UTC we will release a new software update on your account. There's no downtime expected for this update, so you should not notice anything except the improvements described below.


You have spoken and we have listened!

Many schools have asked us for an easy way to assign a requirement to all users with a certain user role - and this is one of the features we will introduce with this update. Another one is that you can now (with the FTLM module) create requirements based on the minimum or maximum amount of flights or landings within a set time frame. 

This means that it's now super easy, for example, to set up 3 landings within 90 days requirement and assign it to all your instructors - and FlightLogger will provide proper warnings until the requirement is fulfilled.

So, the focus of this entire update is to improve how you manage requirements in FlightLogger.

Here are the headlines of the upcoming update:

  • Assign requirements to a user role
  • Assign requirements to an aircraft class
  • Create requirements on minimum/maximum block/airborne hours, flights, and landings
  • Minor improvements and bug fixes

For the short introduction, you can watch this 2-minute video that walks you through the new features.

Below you can find a short introduction to the new requirement features.

Assign requirements to a user role

The first thing you will notice about the new update if you’re an administrator is that the Master requirement lists page has been replaced by new pages to Create and Assign requirements respectively.


The Create requirements page basically works as the old Master requirement lists page did, except it includes the new requirement types described below.

The Assign requirements page is brand-new and this is where you can from now on assign certificate requirements to all users with a specific user role. If using the FTLM module you can also assign flight time and duty time requirements to user roles from here.

This streamlines the process of assigning general requirements, hopefully saving you a lot of administration time.


Assign maintenance requirements to an aircraft class

From the Assign requirements page, you now also have the option to assign maintenance requirements to aircraft based on aircraft class (single engine, multi-engine, simulator), using a similar procedure as when assigning to a user role.


This help center article explains a bit more about the assigning requirements per user role and per aircraft class.

New requirement types: minimum/maximum airborne hours, flights, and landings

The new update adds some brand-new requirement types for those of you that use the Flight Time Limitation Module. These allow you to set requirements on minimum or maximum airborne (or block) hours, flights, and landings within a defined time span.

The example below illustrates how easy it is to set up 3 landings within 90 days requirement.


Just like with all other requirements, FlightLogger provides warnings when these requirements are not fulfilled. This way it is easy for you to set up and monitor some of the common compliance requirements inside the FlightLogger software.

You can find more information on setting up the new flight time requirement types here.

(Note that you can of course still also assign requirements to individual users/aircraft or to students via a certain training program, using the same process as always.)

Minor improvements and bug fixes

As always, we will be rolling out a significant number of minor improvements, wording edits, etc. Here are just a few of them:

  • Touch device long-press reintroduced on the booking page for easier navigation
  • Adjustments to medical and language proficiency certificate requirements

Not least, the update includes fixes to some of the minor bugs that you, our users, have reported to us. We can’t highlight enough how important your contributions are to us, whether they are bug reportings, feature requests, or new ideas.

Thanks a lot to all of you and please keep it coming – we love it!

As always, feel free to reach out to if you have questions or if you experience any kind of problems with the software.