Release Notes

Software update 10/01/2022 - Duty time now included in the Flight Time Limitation Module

What better way to kick off 2022 than with an exciting new update to the FlightLogger platform. Thus, we will roll out our first major update of the year this Monday the 10th of January at 07:00 UTC.

A happy New Year to all of you!

What better way to kick off 2022 than with an exciting new update to the FlightLogger platform. Thus, we will roll out our first major update of the year this Monday the 10th of January at 07:00 UTC. We don't expect any downtime for this update, so don't worry about being interrupted by us.

So what's included in the new update? First of all, we have really been looking forward to releasing a brand-new toolset to support an area that many of our partners have wished for - duty time!

It's simple in use, it adds an extra layer of compliance control to your scheduling, and it makes duty time-based salary payment so much easier. Further down this announcement, you'll find an introduction to duty times.

Apart from duty time, these improvements are also in the update:

  • Timer-based aircraft pricing (for partners using SAM - Student Account Module)
  • Edit Persons on Board using quick buttons
  • Clean-up of the Administration menu
  • Anonymisation of safety reports (for partners using SMS - Safety Management System)
  • Minor improvements and bug fixes

Below are all the details you need to know.

Introducing Duty time


We are absolutely thrilled to introduce our brand-new duty time features.

Included in this update is a whole package of duty time features that many of our partners have been asking us for a while since we launched the first version of the Flight Time Limitation Module (FTLM). And the best news - all the new duty time features are added to FTLM at no additional cost.

Here's a short introduction:

Via an easy workflow, your users can now log their duty time inside the FlightLogger platform. All it takes is a single click to log duty start time and another one to log duty end time before submitting it.

Logged duty time can of course also be manually added and edited if needed. This way, FlightLogger keeps a record of your users’ logged duty time on your behalf.

This video provides a quick introduction to the new duty time workflow:

Note that we will enable duty time for all your employees (administrators, instructors, crew, and staff), if you already have the Flight Time Limitation Module.

You can learn more about our easy duty time workflow and how to disable it for selected user groups in this article.

Duty time limitations and warnings

Just like with flight time limitations, customizable duty time limitation requirements can be set up and added to users to provide warnings when users are in danger of exceeding duty time limitations - this way it adds an important extra level of compliance control to your daily scheduling.

Learn about setting up and assigning duty time limitations and warnings here.

Include duty time in expense reports for handling salary payments

Many of our partners have asked to be able to use the new duty time features for calculating salaries based on logged duty time. This is also now possible.

If enabled in your account settings, duty time is automatically added to the exportable Invoice expense report as well as for the expense reports of individual users, making the calculation of salary payments a bliss.

Click here to learn about duty time in expense reports and how to switch it on and off for a user group.

As default, we have added duty time to expense reports for administrators, instructors, crew, and staff, but not for students and renters.

Here's how to get access to the duty time features

As mentioned, duty time is included in FTLM, so if you have the module already, you don't need to do anything.

If FTLM is not activated already, please write to to get a short introduction including pricing, and to get set up.

Other news included in this update

Timer-based aircraft pricing (for partners using SAM - Student Account Module)

If you have activated logging of an aircraft timer (Tach, Airswitch, Hobbs, VDO, DATCOM, EDU, Flight time) on your aircraft, you now have the option to set aircraft pricing calculations based on that timer. Previously, prices were based on either Block or Airborne hours, but now the timer option is available as well.

Contact if you would like to know more about the SAM module.

Edit Persons on Board using quick buttons

During registration of a flight (lesson, operation, rental) PoB info can now be edited using quick buttons, the same way as for example ETA info. PoB is live-updated in the Departure/Arrival page to keep your ground staff updated.

Clean-up of the Administration menu

For easier navigation, we have cleaned up the Administration menu bar (only visible for admins). All filters are now found in one menu item called Filters. Also, the master certificate list, master maintenance list, master flight time limitation list, and the new duty time limitation list are now found in the menu item called Master requirement lists.

Anonymisation of safety reports (for partners using SMS - Safety Management System)

We have added the option for the safety manager to anonymize safety reports at any time to hide personal information if required.

Contact if you would like to know more about the SMS module.

Minor improvements and bug fixes

Like always, this update is of course also filled with small improvements and bug fixes. We are happy to say that almost all the new stuff we release is based on input from our partners.

We are more than thankful for your contribution in optimizing the value of FlightLogger every day, and we are currently looking to add even more capacity to our development team to continue to fulfill the goals of 2022. So expect much more to come...

Please remember to keep providing us with questions and ideas by writing to

Once again, Happy New Year from the FlightLogger team.